Date(s) - 10/21/2019 - 10/22/2019
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Pittsburgh International Airport Hilton Garden Inn
PACS Course Number 149
9 AM to 5 PM
The course instructor, Dr. Henry Nowicki, has published widely on activated carbon (AC), has won nine government grants, has two patents, and is a recognized authority in the field. A number of his methods are in active use by the activated carbon industry. Dr. Henry Nowicki provides chemical characterizations of influents, AC software programs, an AC Tester, ASTM carbon testing and R&D services, as well as other consulting services. The purpose of this two-day course is to provide the users and providers of AC services a broad base of knowledge about how AC works. Chemists, engineers and managers using or planning to use AC need this information. If AC is important to your firm, this course is for you. The course will, as far as possible, be tailored to the special interests that you express on the registration form. A course outline is below. This class has no prerequisites.
This two-day course is held close to the Pittsburgh International Airport; it is also scheduled regularly in major cities. This course can be provided at the client’s time and place. PACS provides other courses on activated carbon and allied topics.
PACS courses related to activated carbon are titled:
- Activated Carbon Adsorption Principles, GAED, Practices and Opportunities
- Selecting the Best Activated Carbon for a Specific Application
- Activated Carbon Production and Sales
- Certification Issues for Activated Carbon and Residential Activated Carbon Water Treatment Units
- Design, Operation, and Troubleshooting of Activated Carbon Liquid and Vapor Phase Systems
- BioMass to BioChar: Renewable Carbonaceous Products
- Agglomeration Technologies for Particle Enlargement
- A Primer on Coal: Energy and Environment
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Simulations for Industrial Problem Solving
- Pressure Swing Adsorption and other Cyclic Adsorption Processes and Applications
- Photostability of Pollutants, Drugs and Other Substances
Course Registration is available. You may also register through an associated conference registration. Send it with a payment of $2250 to secure your course attendance. Hotel information and a map will be sent to confirm your registration. Please list your special interest(s) on the registration form. Enrollment is limited to assure your maximum course benefits. On-site PACS courses are available (most PACS courses can be provided at your time and place). Telephone PACS at 1.724.457.6576 if you need further information. PACS also provides laboratory testing and consulting services.
Activated Carbon Principles, GAED, Practices and Opportunities
Course Instructor: Dr. Henry Nowicki
- If your firm or customers have any potential air and/or water contamination problems then you need activated carbon knowledge. This course is designed for managers, engineers, chemists, and technicians interested in activated carbon applications and a basic understanding of how activated carbon works.
- 1. Activated carbon: sources, structure, properties (eg., surface area, porosity, pore-size distribution) and applications. Test methods – Gravimetric Adsorption Energy Distribution (GAED)
- 2. Adsorption isotherms in gas- and liquid- phase systems, and both single- and multi-component adsorbates. Comparison of capacities in direct addition (pulverized carbons) and in column operation.
- 3. Fundamentals of adsorption; how and why activated carbon works; prediction of isotherms (and carbon performance) for many systems on a carbon, given a single calibrating isotherm; application to bulk and trace adsorption in vapor systems and from water solution; competitive adsorption in multicomponent systems. (You will need your calculator to determine adsorption in multicomponent systems.)
- 4. ASTM physical and activity lab tests and their relevance to individual applications.
- 5. Choosing between alternative carbons for specific applications. Limitations of single-number specifications. Laboratory and pilot carbon testing.
- 6. Elementary column design from experimental or calculated isotherm data, including kinetic effects. Lead-lag column design to maximize carbon usage.
- 7. Thermal regeneration and life cycle for activated carbon adsorption process. Chemical regeneration of used activated carbons.
- 8. Day-to-day problem-solving strategies for AC systems.
- 9. Discussion of a variety of applications. Opportunities for discussion with the faculty. Breaks and lunches will be in small groups to facilitate interaction with the course faculty. Please list your special interest on your registration form.
- 10. Software solutions to many problems. Discussion of PACS software.
- 11. Role of modern analytical chemistry for influent/effluent and carbon adsorbate(s) chemical characterization and monitoring AC system performance.
Upcoming Activated Carbon Principles, GAED, Practices and Opportunities:
View the PACS Short Course Calendar–>
Course participants are encouraged to e-mail questions:
George Nowicki
Lab Manager
Rich Capp
Office Administrator
Send samples and postal inquiries to:
PACS, Inc.
409 Meade Drive
Coraopolis, PA 15108
Other PACS contact information:
Phone: 1-724-457-6576 or 1-800-367-2587
PACS website:
Please list your special interest during registration. We will try to accommodate your interest.
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