PACS Course Number 110
9 AM to 5 PM
An understanding of the basic principles of toxicology is critical for effective environmental management. Laws and regulations use toxicological principles as their basis – SDWA, RCRA, CERCLA/SARA, TSCA, OSHA Laboratory Standard and air and water regulations. This course is designed for chemical hygiene officers, managers, lawyers, engineers and chemists who need a short course because they now find themselves with the need to know. The course agenda is shown below. The course manual is available for those not able to attend.
This intensive course has been specially designed with practical and concise information for specialists without any previous training in toxicology principles. In one day’s time, you will receive the necessary information for developing an understanding of toxicology and how its concepts are applied to industrial safety and personal health protection as well as environmental compliance program development. You’ll leave with an expanded and useful toxicology vocabulary and develop an awareness of the use of toxicology considerations in making smart management decisions. This information will be especially valuable as you progress into more complex environmental compliance problems such as risk assessment and risk management strategies.
Course Registration is available. You may also register through an associated conference registration. Send it with a payment of $2250 to secure your course attendance. Hotel information and a map will be sent to confirm your registration. Please list your special interest(s) on the registration form. Enrollment is limited to assure your maximum course benefits. On-site PACS courses are available (most PACS courses can be provided at your time and place). Telephone PACS at 1.724.457.6576 if you need further information. PACS also provides laboratory testing and consulting services.
Toxicology Basic Principles
Course Instructor: Dr. Henry Nowicki
- General topics
- Introduction
- Purpose and scope of the course
- Fundamental concepts of toxicology
- Defining and Understanding Toxicology Terms
- Toxicity Assessment
- Research
- Data
- Quantitative Indices
- Margin of Safety
- Toxic Level
- Species Variations
- Exposure Assessment
- Site characteristics
- Sampling/analysis
- Affected populations
- Exposure level
- Risk Assessment
- Putting together the toxicity and the exposure
- Dose-Response Curves
- Uses and shapes
- Lowest-Adverse-Effect-Level(LOAEL)
- TD50, TD100
- Endpoints
- Criterion for selection of endpoints
- Common endpoints and measuring techniques
- Threshold and No Threshold Chemicals
- Chemicals with thresholds and determination of threshold values
- Chemicals without thresholds
- Extrapolations from High to Low Doses
- Animal experiments
- Mathematical models(doses-response models)
- Protocols Used in Toxicology
- Studies in laboratory animals
- Clinical studies in humans
- Epidemiological studies
- Exctoxicological studies
- Acute/Subchronic/Chronic Studies
- Data Validation
- Confounding factors
- Bias
- Data analysis
- Compound Lists and Drug Testing
- Summaries of Toxicological Information
- Dioxins, Furans, TCE, Lead
Upcoming Toxicology Basic Principles:
Contact PACS to register and/or to confirm course events.
View the PACS Short Course Calendar–>
Course participants are encouraged to e-mail questions:
George Nowicki
Lab Manager
Rich Capp
Office Administrator
Send samples and postal inquiries to:
PACS, Inc.
409 Meade Drive
Coraopolis, PA 15108
Other PACS contact information:
Phone: 1-724-457-6576 or 1-800-367-2587
PACS website:
Please list your special interest during registration. We will try to accommodate your interest.
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