PACS Course Number 900
9 AM to 4:30 PM
The course leader is Dr. Henry Nowicki. He is very active in presenting and developing short courses related to the OSHA lab standard, health and safety. The purpose of this one-day course is to provide information to aid development and implementation of a program to comply with the new-OSHA laboratory standard for occupational exposure to toxic substances in laboratories. See below for the course outline.
The course is designed to aid in the completion of a Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) which complies with OSHA guidelines. If you cannot attend the course, we recommend purchase of the course manual "OSHA Laboratory Standard". Additionally, PACS has a manual "Passing Your OSHA Laboratory Standard", which provides guidelines for how to deal with the OSHA inspector when they knock on your door.
This is an important course for personnel with responsibilities including the protection of laboratory workers from overexposure to toxic substances. These procedures are mandated by OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.1450. Compliance is necessary to reduce liabilities and bad publicity. The course will, as far as possible, be tailored to the interests of attendees. Other PACS courses useful for personnel responsible for developing and implementing the lab CHP are "Toxicology Basic Principles" and "Basics of Industrial Hygiene".
Course Registration is available. You may also register through an associated conference registration. Send it with a payment of $2250 to secure your course attendance. Hotel information and a map will be sent to confirm your registration. Please list your special interest(s) on the registration form. Enrollment is limited to assure your maximum course benefits. On-site PACS courses are available (most PACS courses can be provided at your time and place). Telephone PACS at 1.724.457.6576 if you need further information. PACS also provides laboratory testing and consulting services.
Course Instructor: Henry G. Nowicki, Ph.D.
- General topics
- Introduction to the OSHA laboratory regulation standard
- History
- Scope and performance based
- Relationship to other agencies
- The written Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) Requirements
- Chemical Hygiene Officer (CHO) or Committee
- Responsibilities
- Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
- Proper performance of fume hoods
- Information and training on potential health hazards
- Components and recommendations for CHP
- Annual Review Requirement
- Exposure Evaluation
- Role of a Chemical Hygiene Officer and management
- Medical consultation
- Specific Symptoms and First Aid for poisoning
- Medical Surveillance
- Additional Provisions for work with carcinogens
- Regulated and designated areas and hygiene practices
- Safe removal of contaminated wastes
- Personal protective equipment (PPE) and apparel
- Prior approval from Management
- Basics of Toxicology
- Recordkeeping
- Posting Industrial Hygiene Analyses Results
- Forms and legal record keeping requirements
- Recommendations from the National Research Council
- Prudent Practices for Handling Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories
- Prudent Practices for Disposal of Chemicals from Laboratories
- Chemical Hazard Classifications
- Chemical Labeling Requirements
- Specific special interests of participants, please list on your registration form
- Summary and Discussion
Upcoming OSHA Laboratory Safety Standard:
Contact PACS to register and/or to confirm course events.
View the PACS Short Course Calendar–>
Course participants are encouraged to e-mail questions:
George Nowicki
Lab Manager
Rich Capp
Office Administrator
Send samples and postal inquiries to:
PACS, Inc.
409 Meade Drive
Coraopolis, PA 15108
Other PACS contact information:
Phone: 1-724-457-6576 or 1-800-367-2587
PACS website:
Please list your special interest during registration. We will try to accommodate your interest.
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