PACS has a different design for Poster Presentations. Authors submit a one page abstract, for review by the conference committee. Accepted abstracts are placed in the Conference Proceedings and up to four regular sized pages double sided describing the highlights of the author’s work is included in the Conference Proceedings. Every conferee will go home with the Poster author’s submitted material. Poster authors need to send 75 copies of their poster materials for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings. It is the responsibility of poster authors to send the copies.
Poster authors need to submit 75 copies to the Conference Chairperson. Poster author copies must be received by the PACS chairperson four weeks in advance of the PACS conference dates. Poster authors can bring their required number of poster material (4 pages) to the conference, but they lose the pre-conference insertion into the bound Conference Proceedings. A specific time and place during Vendor’s Night is assigned to each poster author where Conference Attendees can speak with the authors.
This new PACS poster design used by PACS has been well received. Authors submitting smaller amounts of well selected information, about half compared to other conference poster designs, helps to assure they have connected with all conferees, lessens their operation time, and makes for a better outcome; all benefit from this new poster process. The adage holds . . . Everyone has more to do than the necessary time. The PACS poster design will help authors to better use their time and connect with their audience.